About Us
Messianic Teaching, Worship and Discipleship
Empowerment and Equipping Men for the Kingdom
Preparing the Body of Messiah for the Greater Exodus
Watching the Day and the Season
Travel the Holy Land
Who We Are
Arrows of Ephrayim is a Messianic teaching and worship ministry based in in the UK.We began in 2007.
We work itinerantly with other groups and fellowships throughout the UK. The mandate of this ministry is to specifically inform, disciple and equip others in the teachings of the roots of the Judaeo Christian Faith along with bringing information concerning global events associated with the State of Israel, the Jewish people and what is generally considered to be end time events spoken of and prophesied within the Holy prophetic texts of the Judaeo Christian writings, in order to prepare the bride of Messiah Yeshua.
Our heart is to see disciples fulfil their calling for the purpose of the community of faith and to see the community of faith grow in the knowledge of God and to return to the spirit of truth identified in the gospel of John.
Our primary goal is to see all believer’s in Yeshua Messiah grow in discipleship and to be unified in accordance to His prayer in the garden of Gethsemane on the night before His death. This prayer calls for the unification of the whole house of Jacob. Its fulfilment will see the ingathering of Israel presently scattered amongst the nations and the ultimate re-joining of them to the remaining two tribes now already in the land of Israel. We believe that all true believers are part of the commonwealth of Israel and that the Torah given to Israel applies to all.
We believe that this symbolises also the unity or oneness of Messiah and His bride which will occur
at the return of Messiah Yeshua to the world in the latter days.
We believe that the end time move of the regathering of the tribes of Israel also the gathering of what YHWH calls the remnant is a specific people group that bear His name.
We also believe the heart of YHWH calls for all who bear His name to return to Him in repentance so that they can be cleansed and purified by the washing of His word. This symbolises also the cleansing and purification of the Bride.
Our Ancient Paths.
Jeremiah 6:16 Here is what Adonai says:
“Stand at the crossroads and look;
ask about the ancient paths,
‘Which one is the good way?’
Take it, and you will find rest for your souls.
The unifying process of YHWH's redemptive grace sees the joining of people and land together. As we move forward to the restoration of Israel, a metaphor for the regathering of the diaspora tribes of Joseph and Judah, YHWH desires that we seek the ancient pathways. This is the journey which should be undertaken by all believers who desire to see the restoration of YHWH's house. Therefore, a return to the true apostolic age of the church as a community will emerge.
Avoiding Division.
This ministry seeks to bring understanding to those who are exploring the Hebraic roots of our faith and to encourage those among the body of Messiah Yeshua, to gather together in peace and humility, serving one another as Yeshua taught us as we learn and walk along our ancient path. It is our hope that through prayer and the support mechanism we provide, that all the beloved family of our Messiah Yeshua - Jesus, find their true calling and ministry.
We are aware that there are many groups who have gravitated to various teachings and trends within the Hebraic roots movement who have, as part of their understanding, become aligned with Israelism, seeing themselves as belonging to certain tribal affiliations and insist that true names or sacred names and pronunciations of the Hebrew language should be used, for example, when referring to the Most High Elohim and to Messiah Yeshua. In addition, these groups who seek to celebrate the feasts, according to the various phases of the moon, which often differ to the calendar found in scripture, are creating separatism among the body.
We feel, therefore, that certain practises can alienate the members of YHWH's house and ultimately cause division.
This ministry engages with all who seek to understand the beautiful depth of YHWH's word through the exploration of the true roots of our faith. We understand that language and terminology will need to be explained as we unravel the scriptures in context. However, terminology should not be a dividing issue. We have been given freedom, in Messiah Yeshua to walk in truth and love toward one another, exposing error and correcting practices, that have over time, found their way into the doctrine of life within the Messianic Community, the ecclesia or the church.
The identity of believers is crucial in understanding the whole house of Israel, however, we also need to understand that an over-focus on tribal affiliation and various forms of Israelism is not necessary to assure the believer in the grafting in process of Israel.
Having been involved in many discussions on this subject over the years, we will refrain from engaging in dialogue with such affiliations who fervently push their views. Such discussions, we feel, are a distraction away from the unifying process of YHWH's house and the purpose of this ministry's vision.
We believe that the nations of the United Kingdom along with the other nations, has specific Hebraic roots and that YHWH, through the sojourn of the diaspora, has a unique covenant agreement with this nation.
We desire to see all who believe and seek to serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, return to those ancient paths long since covered up by the sands of time and the history of these lands.
We also, through repentance, sever all ties with the Holy Roman Church, who through the synod of Whitby in 664AD assimilated the church of Britain into its conclave.